Membership Site

I just wanted to test the waters before I go any further with my idea -but I was wondering whether any or all of you fine Learning British Accent followers would be interested in joining a British Accent membership site? I was thinking of a small monthly fee to have access to audio and video content, direct contact with myself once a week to ask questions and get specific help with whatever words, phrases, sentances, sounds you need. Weekly updated content to help your improve your british accent.

I'm not sure about the structure yet - it may be a 3 month/6 month plan or could be open-ended in terms of time. I would have to figure out whether I could create enough content to keep you all interested and wanting to learn more. I know several of you have asked for Videos of myself speaking to help learn the correct use of the facial/mouth muscles. I think this would definately be included within the membership site. If you have any thoughts as to what content you think would be useful do please let me know.

AS always I would love to get your feedback on this idea. Both positive and negative thoughts are both welcome. If you think its a terrible idea than please do let me know!

If I do go ahead, and you know anything about setting up membership sites I would be most grateful for any advice you may have

Again thanks so much for your continued support.



Anonymous said...

Dear alison,

I am wondering if u r still selling the learning CD or DVD, i really knee to learn British accent. would you be able to post the information or the Link to me...


Alison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alison said...

Hi Ben

I'll put another post up with the details
