British Accent Video - Human Resources Vocab ( 73)

Here is another selection of common phrases used by HR practitioners.  I hope you find them useful.

If you need further Vocab help, take a look at the Ultimate RP British Accent Learning Resource - (click on the Ultimate British Accent link) 

Here are some Leisure Activities spoken in RP British Accent

Another audio file which I hope you'll find helpful with your British accent training.Here is how you can correctly pronounce some Leisure activities including: Swimming, Horse-riding and Going to the cinema.

I hope you find these short vocab audio useful.  Please visit for more...


British Accent pronunciation help - How to say some Daily Activities in an RP British Accent - audio

This file includes the phrases: eat breakfast, drink coffee, go to school - and many more.  Some phrases that describe our daily routine in RP British Accent.

More british accent help can be found at


British Accent pronunciation of Success, Successful & Succeed - Accent video

If you've not had any Success pronouncing Successful in your RP British Accent, then maybe this short video can help !

If you would like further RP British accent training materials,

take a look at


Selection of Words to help with British Accent Pronunciation - Accent Video

Watch the video if you would like help pronouncing Specification, Standard, Valuable and Environment.
Hope the pronunciation practice helps your RP British accent!  Do you have a British accent pronunciation questions? If so, let me know and I shall do my best to help.

Get in touch via twitter: @Learnbritaccent facebook:



